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Ukinuto pravilo
Ukinuto pravilo
Shvatili smo da je ovo pravilo nepotrebno jer očekujemo od igrača da budu fp i trude se da priđu što bliže golu kako bi šutirali na gol.
1 minute read
Žurnal Slajma - Četvrto izdanje (7.10.2022.)
Žurnal Slajma - Četvrto izdanje (7.10.2022.)
Žurnal Slajma (ŽS) - Četvrto izdanje - petak, 7. oktobar 2022. Uredili jesusimazenjoyer, LeptirNaStruju, IzanhanFranz   Dobrodošli u novi dio Žurnal Slajma gdje možete pročitati zanimljivosti, sažetke pa i nagrade od prethodna dva kola Svebalkan...
12 minute read
FUT CRAFT migrated and merged!
FUT CRAFT migrated and merged!
FUT CRAFT has been migrated and merged into Divine Realms' community. Welcome aboard! IP Address: divinerealms.ga, version: 1.8.8.
1 minute read
Football in Minecraft
Football in Minecraft
Formerly known as ZozpFC and CoalBox, FUT Craft is a Minecraft Football server created in 2014 by ImZozp (now known as jesusimazenjoyer). FUT Craft was picked up by Divine Realms's Development team and has received updates (check out our repo)....
1 minute read
Under Construction!
Under Construction!
We are currently in the process of developing our servers and there is not a set date for a release.
1 minute read